Useful Information About the Behaviors of Bats

Questions – Concerns – Problem
We are always available to answer your questions, inspect your home to determine if you in fact have a bat problem, and if so provide you with a detailed proposal to resolve your issue.
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Helpful Information About NJ Bats
If there’s a bat in your house…
Don’t panic. Bats are rarely aggressive, even if they’re being chased, but they may bite in self-defense if handled. Only a small percentage of bats (about one-half of one percent overall) have rabies, but anyone bitten by a bat should immediately seek medical consultation.
Solitary Bat
A solitary bat, often a lost youngster, will occasionally fly into a home, garage, or other building through an open door, window, or small gap into the interior of your home. When you find a bat in your home, the first step is to determine if there has been any exposure to any pets or individuals. If there is any uncertainty, the bat should be captured then submitted to the local health department for rabies testing. Contact us if you need assistance with capturing a bat in your home.
Bat Colonies
Due to loss of natural habitat, bats often take up residence/roost in, and imprint on, buildings returning to these warm-weather roosts year after year. These roosts are referred to as maternity colonies, and they have the ability to increase in size by 50% year over year. Because of this fact, it is a mistake to put off addressing the problem.
Why My House?
The reason bats are present in your home is because there are gaps and spaces that provide them with access into the home. Bats are capable of entering through an opening as small as 3/8 inches high by 1 inch wide, or an opening that is ½ inch in diameter.
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